Top 10k strings from Showdown (1983)(Artic Computing)(16k).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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7 ;"Show-Down"; 6 ;" "; 5 ;"_________" 4 ;"R.I.P."; 3 ;"Press 'ENTER' when ready.": 2 ;"GOT ME"; 2 ;" ": 1 showdown 1 p$="N")*(-60 1 graphics 1 READ KEYBOARD FOR RESPONSES 1 PLEASE WAIT WHILE I LOAD THE 1 FIRE BULLETS 1 DEATH TUNES PLAYED 1 ;"__________": 1 ;"_________"; 1 ;"Type 'y' to start"''"Type 'n' to re-read instructions"''"Type 's' to 1 ;"Score:"; 1 ;"Press 'ENTER' when ready. ": 1 ;"GOOD LUCK - YOU'LL NEED IT!!": 1 ;"Do you want the 2 player version": 1 ;"Do you want instructions?": 1 ;"Do you want another go? ": 1 ;" On passing through Creeksville,you have found yourself involvedin a saloon brawl over Sweet Lucy Love (The star of the localSaloon's cabaret dancers). You have been challenged to a show down at sunrise the next morning." 1 '''"Your Cowboy is on the right",''"To move up press any key on the top row from 6 to 0" 1 '''" Your opponant is the dreaded SPECTRUM, who is known to be themeanest, toughest, fastest gunshot in the West." 1 '''" Your Cowboy is on the left",''"To move up press any key on the top row from 1 to 5" 1 '''" Welcome to the Wild West where people live by the ""law of the gun"".": 1 ''"Player Two:-" 1 ''"Player One:-": 1 '"Your only hope is to hide behindcacti or the wagons,and to strike him suddenly." 1 '"To move down press any key on the second row from Y to P" 1 '"To move down press any key on the second row from Q to T" 1 '"To fire press any key on the bottom row from B to (space)." 1 '"To fire press any key on the bottom row from (caps shift) to V" 1 " He is deadly accurate, never a shot is fired off target, and hewill hunt you down."